Difficulties that fifth year’s students at Monte Tabor School present in learning writing

Loaisiga Orozco, Millicent Joseph and Mendiola Donaire, Benigna (2007) Difficulties that fifth year’s students at Monte Tabor School present in learning writing. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.

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In spite of the countless carried out investigations, it is not known with certainty when and how the language appeared, that ability that the man has to communicate with his fellow men, using different ways to achieve it.

One of these ways of communicating is through the writing, which is a powerful tool in any language.

Our research is ab out learning English writing, problems or difficulties that students of the fifth year at Monte Tabor School have.

The purpose of this research is to find out the main problems that students have in learning writing.

We feel motivated to know what causes the lack of interest of some students in learning the writing. We pretend to encourage the teacher at the school to think about the problem that his students have.

This research contains many sections, including the procedures, analysis and interpretation of results that we present in tables and graphs.

We hope this research may be a good reference for future researchers

Item Type: Thesis (Otra)
Información Adicional: Monografía-(Licenciados en Ciencias de la educación con mención en Inglés)-Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua
Palabras Clave Informales: Comunicación Inglés-Enseñanza Problemas de aprendizaje Inglés-Monografías-2007
Materias: 400 Lenguas > 420 Inglés e inglés antiguo > 421 Sistemas de escritura y fonología ingleses
400 Lenguas > 420 Inglés e inglés antiguo > 422 Etimología inglesa
400 Lenguas > 420 Inglés e inglés antiguo > 425 Gramática inglesa
Depositing User: Lic. Martha Cortez
Date Deposited: 19 Oct 2015 16:59
Last Modified: 18 Sep 2017 19:40
URI: http://repositorio.unan.edu.ni/id/eprint/1120


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