Delgado González, Yader Ernesto (2014) LA FORMACIÓN DOCENTE EN TAC “LABORATORIO DE INGLÉS”, PROPUESTA DE INNOVACIÓN EDUCATIVA. Facultad Regional Multidisciplinaria de Carazo - UNAN, MANAGUA, 4 (6). pp. 61-68. ISSN 2305-0918
Gonzales Barbarán, Flor Mildred and AGonzales Sánchez, Aracelli del Carmen and Trujillo Mariño, Nancy Rita and Fernández Díaz, Carlos Mario (2020) Factores influyentes en el aprendizaje del inglés en instituciones públicas. Factores influyentes en el aprendizaje del inglés en instituciones públicas, 6 (Ed.epc). pp. 37-44. ISSN 2412-3285
Ortiz Abud, Kennya (2024) El desarrollo de la competencia oral en la enseñanza– aprendizaje del inglés como lengua extranjera a través del uso de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación. Revista Torreón Universitario, 13 (37). pp. 133-145. ISSN 2313-7215
Ortiz Abud, Kennya (2014) TÉCNICAS METODOLÓGICAS PARA MEJORAR LA PRONUNCIACIÓN Y FLUIDEZ DEL VOCABULARIO DEL IDIOMA INGLÉS. Facultad Regional Multidisciplinaria de Carazo - UNAN, MANAGUA, 4 (6). pp. 45-46. ISSN 2305-0918
Sánchez Alvarado, Alber Francisco and Donald de Jesús, López Almendares and Mercedes Leonor, López Almendárez (2024) La redacción científica en inglés como lengua extranjera. Revista Torreón Universitario, 13 (37). pp. 48-56. ISSN 2313-7215
Acevedo Matus, Zeily Patricia and Garmendia Chavarría, Lellyn Elizabeth (2016) Strategies to help students reduce the fear of speaking in English learning classes from second year at Santa Cruz Institute during the second semester of 2016. Artículo de Discusión. FAREM-Estelí, Estelí, Nicaragua.
Aguirre Arauz, Esther Yadara and Morán Vanega, Carlos Noé and Urbina Espino, Cinthys Itati (2019) The use of L1 and L2 in the classroom, for effective oral communication in eleventh grade at Guillermo Cano Balladares Institute in the first Semester 2019. Artículo de Discusión. FAREM-Estelí, Estelí, Nicaragua.
Calderón Dávila, María Zeneyda and Sánchez Talavera, Mariel Omara and González Olivas, Kenia Elizabeth (2017) Effectiveness of Real-Life based Passages on the Development of Reading Comprehension in tenth Grade Students at the “National Institute of Palacagüina Rodolfo Castillo” during the first semester 2017. Artículo de Discusión. FAREM, Estelí, Nicaragua.
Cárdenas Ponce, Félix Elix and Sevilla Rodríguez, Noé Arnulfo and Ramirez Ávila, Olman Jafeth (2019) How teachers' competencies influence on the language teaching process of the students of eleventh grade at National Institute Francisco Luis Espinoza on Saturday shift 2019. Otro. FAREM-Estelí, Estelí, Nicaragua.
Dormus Salinas, Sixto Javier and Cruz Zeledón, Miguel Ángel and Blandón Ruiz, Engels Josué (2019) The Baseball as a methodological strategy for learning, speaking, and writing in the English language. Artículo de Discusión. FAREM-Estelí, Estelí, Nicaragua.
Dávila Ortega, Meyling Lisseth (2020) Utilizar juegos como estrategia didáctica para desarrollar la habilidad de hablar en inglés como lengua extranjera. Artículo de trabajo. FAREM-Estelí, Estelí, Nicaragua.
Hernández Guevara, Javier Enrique and Díaz Rodríguez, Elday Emileydy and García Romero, Jamyn Efraín Historias breves como estrategia de autoaprendizaje para mejorar la comprensión lectora en estudiantes universitarios de primer año. Artículo de Discusión. FAREM-Estelí, Estelí, Nicaragua.
Juárez Rodríguez, Fidel José (2016) Dimensiones afectivas docentes en el logro de aprendizajes significativos en estudiantes de inglés de la FAREM- Estelí. Artículo de Discusión. FAREM-Estelí, Estelí.
Lanuza Gutiérrez, Greyling Elisa and Trujillo Obando, Erlika Francisca and Merlo Castillo, Cruz Maritza (2017) La efectividad de las historias cortas como estrategia para enseñar comprensión lectora. Artículo de Discusión. FAREM-Estelí, Estelí, Nicaragua.
Murillo Alaniz, Sugey del Carmen and González Espinoza, Luis Amado (2020) Uso de videoclips como recurso multimedia para enseñar vocabulario en inglés. Artículo de Discusión. FAREM-Estelí, Estelí, Nicaragua.
Ortega Miranda, Yajaira María and Ruíz Cruz, Marta Lorena and Hernández Valenzuela, Maritza del Carmen (2017) Uso de los medios visuales como herramienta didáctica en la enseñanza de gramática inglesa a estudiantes de séptimo grado del Colegio Nuestra Señora del Rosario en Estelí, durante el Segundo Semestre del año 2016. Artículo de Discusión. FAREM-Estelí, Estelí, Nicaragua.
Pérez Martínez, Agnes del Socorro and Casco Chavarría, Sobeyda and Rodriguez Benavides, José Leonardo (2017) Effectiveness of classroom management strategies in large groups 35-45 students in the national institute Guillermo Cano Balladares. Artículo de Discusión. FAREM-Estelí, Estelí, Nicaragua.
Rocha Salgado, Sergio (2018) “Aplicabilidad del enfoque de aprendizaje del idioma asistido por computadora, como estrategia metodológica, para el desarrollo de habilidades comunicativas, en estudiantes de segundo año de la carrera de inglés, turno sabatino FAREM Estelí, período 2017”. Artículo de Discusión. UNAN-FAREM, Estelí.
Ruiz Quintero, Marvin Uriel and Navarrete Haslam, Doribel and Valladares, Noylin (2019) Traditional Games of Nicaragua as strategies of motivation in the learning English of students seventh grade from San Luis Gonzaga High school Matagalpa. Artículo de Discusión. FAREM-Estelí, Estelí, Nicaragua.
Suárez Rugama, Ena Anielka and Rosales Moreno, Johana Katherine and Galeano Irías, Keyla Nasareli (2020) Maximizar la producción oral en las clases de inglés como lengua extranjera a través de estrategias de aprendizaje cooperativo con ayuda de tecnología en estudiantes de 7 ° grado del Instituto Nacional Francisco Luis Espinoza en el turno de mañana en el segundo semestre de 2019. Artículo de Discusión. FAREM-Estelí, Estelí, Nicaragua.
Acevedo Matus, Zeily Patricia and Garmendia Chavarría, Lellyn Elizabeth (2016) Strategies to help students reduce the fear of speaking in English learning classes from second year at Santa Cruz Institute during the second semester of 2016. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Aguilar Montano, Hazel de los Ángeles and Moreno Mora, Deglis Antonio (2011) Some factors that affect the Teaching-Learning process in students of 7 grade English class, evening shift at Rosendo López High School in the city of Rivas during the second semester of 2011. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Aguirre Arauz, Esther Yadara and Morán Vanega, Carlos Noé and Urbina Espino, Cinthys Itati (2019) The use of L1 and L2 in the classroom, for effective oral communication in eleventh grade at Guillermo Cano Balladares Institute in the first Semester 2019. UNSPECIFIED thesis, Universidad Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Aguirre Pavón, Marlene and Fuentes Chamorro, Janeth (2015) He grammar teaching strategies in the learning procces, in english students of second year morning and afternoon shift at UNAN-Managua, during the second semester 2014. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Aguirre Sanchez, Yeriel De Jesús (2016) Difficulties in the teaching process of the listening skill in 9th grade students of The Rigoberto Lopez Perez Institute, District 1 in Managua, during II semester of 2016. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Aleman Flores, Valesska Jessenia and Benevidez Palacios, Sara Nohemí and Cerda Palacios, Marbelia del Carmen (2018) Analysis of the methodological factors that affect the speaking skill, in the students of 8th grade in Rigoberto López Pérez Institute-Managua, during the second semester 2017. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Alemán Lopéz, Angel Gabriel and Baquedano Mercado, Xochilt María (2016) Analysis of the lack of the speaking skills used by students of 5th year “A” of the morning shift at Experimental Mexico secondary school in Managua, in the second semester of 2015. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Alemán Urbina, Yoceline Yanelly and López, María Carolina (2023) Difficulties in the acquisition of the speaking skill in seventh graders, at “Instituto Nacional de Masatepe”, second semester 2022. Licenciatura thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Alfaro Zavala, Yasmina de los Ángeles and Castellón Pérez, Dulce María and Centeno Martínez, Víctor José (2020) Strategies for improving the English reading skill in the students of 7th grade “A”, at Pablo Antonio Cuadra School, second semester 2019. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Alvarado Vargas, Fátima de los Ángeles and Ortiz Árias, Marvin Alejandro and Ñurinda Mendoza, Tania Francisca (2020) Strategies based on Multiple intelligences to improve the English language learning in 9th grade students at Escuela Politécnica de Comercio during the second academic semester in 2019. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Amador Amador, Blanca Luisa and Carbonero Rosales, Stephanny and Jarquin Cabrera, Alexa Wualquiria (2021) Word association technique to strengthen in EFL students vocabulary acquisition. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Argüello Diaz., María Michelle and Putoy Amador, Stefany Fabiola and Pérez Calero, Xaviera Paola (2022) Top-down as strategies to improve listening skills comprehension. Licenciatura thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Aristhomene, Fensha Theosmy and Zúniga Quinto, Luisa Catalina (2007) Speaking skill in Secondary school is not very well developed. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Arriola Cortez, Jefferson de Jesus and Benavides Rosales, Rashmy Frinee and Luquez Giliam, Gissbell and Ruiz Mercado, Deymanth Alexander (2024) The Role of Mnemo-Gamification Techniques in Vocabulary Retention, Student Engagement, and Identification of Main Ideas in supporting Eighth-Grade Reading Comprehension During the Fourth Academic Term of 2024. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Aráuz Valenzuela, Luis Antonio and Meza Molina, Marying Janery and Caballero Molina, Heydi Adriana (2014) How can we encourage 11th grade students to improve their reading comprehension skill in English at high school Jose Martí in the evening session during the second semester 2014? Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Barrios Alemán, Lenya Janina (2016) Factors that interfere in the effectiveness of teaching- learning process in speaking skill in 10th grade D, morning shift, at Rigoberto Lopez Perez Institute, Managua, district 1 during the second semester of 2016. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Benavides Videa, Jakeline del Rosario and Pérez Acevedo, Norlan Ruddy and Centeno Martínez, Yoseling Jassiell (2014) Methodological strategies implemented to improve speaking skills of the eleventh grade students at Lic .Lucinda Rosa Videa Institute in Pueblo Nuevo during the II semester 2014. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Bermudez Avendaño, Karla Vannesa and Calderón, Milton Ariel and Espinoza Meléndez, Kevin Smith (2019) Main Sociocultural Factors Interfering the Development of the Speaking Skill. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Blandón, Nelson Antonio and Barrios Mayorga, Jimmy Antonio (2023) Impacto de las estrategias pedagógicas para la enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera en estudiantes del 5º grado de Primaria del Colegio Público Bella Cruz, del municipio de Ciudad Sandino, del departamento de Managua, en el II semestre del año escolar 2022. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Blandón Casco, Kellyn Mercedes and Chavarría Alvarado, Gema Benazir and Espinoza Duarte, Karen Vanesa (2017) Dealing with the limitations faced by seventh-grade students in developing English speaking skills at Instituto Nacional Francisco Luis Espinoza of Estelí, during the second semester of 2016. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Blandón Garmendia, Esther Carelia (2017) Análisis de los factores que inciden en el bajo rendimiento académico en el módulo formativo de inglés de la cualificación de Atención al Cliente y Recepción Hotelera I en la Escuela Nacional de Hotelería y Turismo (ENAH) del Instituto Nacional Tecnológico (INATEC) en el primer semestre del año 2016. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Bodden Lagos, Marisol and Trejos Sandoval, Patricia (2011) The use of a grammar translation method against communicative activities approach is factor that influences on the teaching english class in students of eleventh grade at the Institute “Modesto Armijo" In the morning shif during the II semester 2011. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Bustamante Benavides, Blanca Azucena and Blass Canda, Julieta Marvely and Calero Fuentes, Nidia Maribel (2015) Methodological factor that affect the development of both listening and speaking skills in the students of 10th and 11th grades from María Mazzarello Private School during the second semester in 2014. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Cabezas Morales, Maysi Mariam and Emes, Julio César (2018) Analysis of the influence of students discipline in the process of learning the English language, in students of 4th year of public school Edgar Arvizú, in Managua department, on the second semester of 2017. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Calderón, Ulises Antonio and Flores Dávila, Lázaro and García, Deyrin Alexander (2016) Study Techniques Used by Students to Learn and Practice the English Language in Communication in 10th grade of High School at the Hermann Gmeiner School in the Afternoon Session During the Second Semester of the Year 2015. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Calderón Dávila, María Zeneyda and Sánchez Talavera, Mariel Omara and González Olivas, Kenia Elizabeth (2017) Effectiveness of Real-Life based Passages on the Development of Reading Comprehension in tenth Grade Students at the “National Institute of Palacagüina Rodolfo Castillo” during the first semester 2017. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Calero Chavarria, Reyna Carolina and Carvajal Acosta, Aida Cristina (2009) Educational, social, and economical factors that influenced negatively in the students difficulting them in speaking the target language during the five years of secondary school at Camilo Zapata Institute. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Calero Vallecillo, Zorayda Rubit and Hernández Zeas, Katherine Jeannette and Hernández Barrios, Jahaira del Carmen (2016) Analysis of the effectiveness of the functional language teaching of 11th grade, morning shift, at Rigoberto López Pérez Institute, Managua, during thesecond semester of 2015. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Campos Palavicini, Tania and Castro Calero, Arlen Danelia (2007) Factors that influence negatively in students motivation to speak english in the four year “A” in the morning shift at Benito Salinas Institute in the second semester 2007. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Cantillano Altamirano., Ada Giselle and Garcia Urbina., Allisson Dayana (2021) Desarrollar vocabulario y pronunciación en inglés como lengua extranjera de primer grado estudiantes a través de juegos de habla breve. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Cardoza Obando, Anielka del Socorro and Martínez Ruiz, Gema Vanessa and Martínez Mairena, Erick Faridt (2015) Influence of pictures on the acquisition of English vocabulary in 8th grade students at Colegio REACH, during the second semester of 2014. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Castillo Mejilla, Fatima and Benedith Calero, Lucelia and Álvarez Salgado, Karen (2015) The methodological strategies in the learning-process of the English language during the second semester of 2014. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Castrillo Villanueva, María Marcela and Rayo Castellón, Orlando Alexander and Toledo Morales, Denis (2021) Heads up games as a tool to promote participation in EFL students in the classroom. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Castro Cárdenas, Scarleth Elizabeth (2012) Análisis de la incidencia que tienen para el desarrollo de las habilidades básicas del inglés las experiencias previas de aprendizaje, respecto al idioma que poseen los estudiantes del séptimo grado del colegio Santa Teresita, durante el primer semestre del año escolar 2012. Master thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Cerda Carballo, Tanya and Alonzo Ríos, Dina (2011) Some internal and external factor that are affecting the teaching-learning process causing low average in students of III year, morning shif at the national Institute Heroes y mrtires de la reforma in Masaya during the second semestre of 2011. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Cerna Castillo, Jenny Isabel and Ocón Martínez, María de los Ángeles (2020) How teachers apply effective speaking activities in order to increase student’s vocabulary and fluency at Rodolfo Rodriguez Alvarado ¨Los Quinchos¨ School from 3rd. Year Saturday program in the second semester 2019. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Chavarria Rosales, Nilda Regina (2016) Factors of not Teaching English for Specific Purposes in the Secondary Technical Accounting Program, for students of 2nd year, in the afternoon shift at Manuel Olivares Institute, during the second semester, 2015. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autonóma de Nicaragua.
Chavarría Jarquín, Ana Rosa (2016) Analysis of teaching-learning strategies to develop the listening skills in the 9th grade class of English in the afternoon shift at central Dr. Carlos Vega Bolaños Institute from Masaya in the second semester of 2016. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Chávez Mayorquín, Francisco Xavier and Gutiérrez Canda, Maykell Javier (2007) The methodological and social factors that influence in the Learning-Teaching process and affect the development of speaking skill in students of fifth year afternoon shift of Carmela Noguera Public School in Granada. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Cordero Zelaya, Elvis and Salinas, María Cristina and Castillo, Jose Leonidas (2016) Effectiveness of the Strategies Implemented by English Language Instructors to Increase Oral Communication in Large Classes at a Secondary Level. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Cruz Raudez, Amy Del Rosario and Jiron, Jacqueling del Carmen and Lagos López, Melida Alicia (2019) Effective methods to use audio visual aids for vocabulary learning in first grade students “Salomón Ibarra” elementary school during the first semester of 2010. Licenciatura thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Cruz Rodríguez, Sara and Garcia Bellorin, Anieth (2023) Applying the Waldorf methodology to enhance oral communication skill of EFL learners with autism. Licenciatura thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Delgado Tijerino, Isamar and Gonzáles Muñoz, Emilce (2015) Analysis of methodological factors that affect the development of oral communication skill in the communicative English V, morning shift III year French Translation major at UNAN- Managua from March until October 2014. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Diaz Lopez, Nelson and Castillo, Marbel Soza (2005) Deficiency in the teaching learning process reflects low proficiency in speaking ability in students of first year of regular courses in the English career at U.N.AN. Managua. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Dormus Salinas, Sixto Javier and Cruz Zeledón, Miguel Ángel and Blandón Ruiz, Engels Josué (2019) The Baseball as a methodological strategy for learning, speaking, and writing in the English language. Otra thesis, Universidad Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Díaz Ríos, Marvin (2013) Academic Performance in the English subject and cover some important aspects concerning in reasons and solving low performance of the students “Salvador Mendieta” Public School, located in District V of Managua, (Colonia Centro America). Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Díaz Vivas, Olga María (2016) Use of technology to develop listening skills in English language for level 1 students at Academia Nacional de idiomas. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Espinoza, Marcos F. and Márquez Cruz, Silvio D. (2015) The teaching strategies in the Teaching-Learning proccess of reading skill in eleventh grade, section B at public high school "Augusto Calderon Sandino" in Niquinohomo during the period from March to Octuber 2014. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Espinoza Granados, Karolina and Castro Davila, Julio César (2007) Students desetion in the english degree in the first years at UNAN-MANAGUA during the first semester 2007. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Flores, David Moisés and Gutiérrez, Daleska Isamara (2018) Analysis of the factors that are affecting the development of the English speaking skill in students of 8th grade ¨G¨ at Miguel de Cervantes High School-Managua during the second semester of 2017. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Flores Aragón, Dania and Gonzalez Torres, Aura María (2014) Strategies to develop the English communication in the teaching -learning process in the 7TH A grade students, at Instituto Nacional Dario during the period of March- October 2014 in Matagalpa, Dario City, Nicaragua. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Fonseca Molina, Henry Santiago (2007) The use of games and their influence into teaching and learning of the students of the first year at Gustavo Carrión Zamora Institute During the second Semestre of 2007. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Fornos Chávez, Karen Lucila and Alegría Hernández, Josué Rubén (2017) The support of the teacher techniques to increase motivation for extensive short reading in English in students of 11th grade at Rey Salomon School in Managua during the 2nd semester of 2016. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Gallegos Gaitán, Mélida Narcisa and Gómez Vega, Mauricio Antonio (2016) Analysis of Strategies and Methods for teaching listening to 9th grade, group “A” EFL students at República de Cuba Secondary School during the second semester 2016. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Gallegos Sánchez, Darling Suyen and Mairena, George Jimmy and Méndez Cerda, Yader Exequiel and Gamboa Solano, Manuel Enrique (2022) Audiovisual Aids as a Teaching Strategy to Develop Speaking. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Gallegos Sánchez, Nitza Edith and Narvaez Gómez, Yoselyn Giomar (2021) Use of closed caption as a technological tool in order to enhance the english listening skill. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Garcia Perez, Lorgia Karina (2010) Analysis of factors that provoke lack of motivational english class in 1ST year students of Madre Teresa de Calcuta School, in Jinotepe during the second semester 2010. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
García Irigoyen, Urania Rebeca and Castellón Rivera, Irene del Carmen and Jarquín Pineda, Josseling María (2019) The effects of Nicaraguan Spanish Phonemes on the acquisition of English Phonemes. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Managua.
González López, Ninoska de Fátima and Castro Jarquin, Celia Maria (2011) Deficiency in the learning process that leads to low proficiency in speaking ability in students of ninth grade evening shift at La Salle Institute in Diriamba city during the second semester of 2011. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Guerrero Sequeira, Domitila Marlene and Pérez López, Anayansy (2007) What problems influence in student motivation in the Learning English as a second language on 4th. Year student, Second Semester 2007 at Nicarao Secondary School? Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Guevara Hernández, Alejandra Gabriela and Cerda Palacios, Paula Petrona (2017) Teaching speaking to students of 11th grade at Heroes y Martires de la Reforma Institute in Masaya during the second semester 2016. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Gutierrez Rodriguez, Eleana Lisseth and Zuniga Hernández, Hellen Hayde and Medina Guerrero, Jeyling del Carmen (2018) Analysis of the factors that influence the lack of speaking skill in students of tenth grade at Salvador Mendieta Cascante School during the second semester of 2017. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Gutierrez Rosales, Karen Fabiola (2023) Dörnyei’s Motivational Strategies in the English classroom. Licenciatura thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Gutiérrez Acevedo, José Luis (2007) Difficulties in reading of firts year students afternoon shif at Dr. Lorenzo Guerrero high school in Granada City. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Gutiérrez García, Dinorah María and Ortíz López, Mercedes Lineth (2013) Second language interaction among students, teacher-student and student-environment, of seventh grade "A" at instituto Benito Salinas Gutiérrez in Dolores, Carazo and its ingluence in the learning of english during second semester of the school year 2013. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autonóma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Gutiérrez Ortiz, Fernando A. and Robleto Alonzo, Néstor I.. (2007) Why the students of fifth year of the morning shift at Salomón de la Selva high school in Managua have a low level of proficiency in speaking and pronunciation skills in English as a foreign language. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Hernandez Sánchez, María Loreley (2014) The influence of methodological strategies used by the english teacher to develop the speaking skill in the students of eleventh grade Dr. Carlos Vega Bolaños School in Masaya city in the second semester 2014. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Hernández Guevara, Javier Enrique and Díaz Rodríguez, Elday Emileydy and García Romero, Jamyn Efraín (2020) Historias breves como estrategia de autoaprendizaje para mejorar la comprensión lectora en estudiantes universitarios de primer año. Licenciatura thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Hernández Mercado, Ruth Esther and López Loáisiga, Meyling del Socorro (2023) Ludic activities to improve the pronunciation of English emphasizing the stress within complete sentences in the students of 8th grade B of the morning shift at San Juan Bautista High School. Licenciatura thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Hernández Ruiz, Ana Maryuri and Hernández Aragón, Meyling de Carmen and Centeno Cerrato, Margori Vanessa (2021) The Use of Repetition Drills to Boost Fluency in EFL Students. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Herrera Aguirre, Isidra Deydania and Herrera Lira, Hazell Melania (2016) Effectiveness of the Strategies Used by the English Teacher at Yelba Maria Antúnez Institute of Ocotal, to Teach English Vocabulary through Songs to 11th Grade Students, during the 2nd Semester 2015. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Jaenz Cruz, Erick and Ruiz Gutiérrez, Heysel (2013) Diagnosys of difficulties in learning pronunciation as a second language in the students of third year at Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra School, in the first semester of 2013. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Jarquín López, Leonardo Fabio and Kauffman González, Yader Alexander (2022) Analysis of strategies to overcome English vowel sounds pronunciation difficulties in the 10th grade B, students at Republica de Austria Institute, during second semester 2015. Licenciatura thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Lanuza Armas, Wendy Isamar and Lovo Urbina, Josseling Vanesa and Tórrez, Anielka de Los Ángeles (2014) Methodological alternatives to improve the listening comprehension skills in 11th grade students from Guillermo Cano Institute, during the second semester 2014. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Lanuza Gutiérrez, Greyling Elisa and Trujillo Obando, Erlika Francisca and Merlo Castillo, Cruz Maritza (2017) The effectiveness of short stories as a strategy to teach reading comprehension in the tenth grade at Colegio EMAUS Asambleas De Dios during the second semester 2016. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Lopez Castellón, Jose Luis and Cortez Arias, Winkler (2016) Factors that make difficult the development of the communication ability of the students in the 11th year A at Rigoberto Lopez Perez Institute in the 3rd District of the Department of Managua during the II Semester of 2016. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Lopez Gonzalez, Julio Ricardo (2011) Analysis of factors that provoke lack of motivacion in english class in ast year students of madre teresa de calcuta school, in Jinoptepe during the second semestre 2010. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Lopez Mora, Omayri Yasuara and Rodriguez Aguirre, Katherine Michel (2023) The Helpfulness of Social-Affective Strategies for the Developments of Speaking Skill in Low Achievers. Licenciatura thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Lopez Zepeda, Roger and Tinoco, Rodolfo (2007) Difficulties that the students of first years Saturday’s courses at UNAN, MANAGUA have in English Language acquisition in speaking skills as a foreign language. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Lòpez Espinoza, Martha Consuelo and Rugama, Doraldina (2006) Factors related negatively with teaching – learning process in EFL of first year students at Jose D. Rivera high school in Jinotega city. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
López Chávez, Maria Isabel and Argüello Silva, William Miguel (2007) Methodological factors that affect the Teaching-Learning Grammar process in first year´s students morning shift at Maestro Gabriel Institute in Managua. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
López Chávez, Marlon Antonio and Hurtado Oporta, Cristhell Junieth and Arias, Dora Del Socorro (2018) Influence of the vocabulary in the process of English reading comprehension of the students 11th grade “A” at Luis Alfonso Velasquez Flores public High school in Managua, during the 2nd semester 2017. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
López Gaitan, Alba Javiera and García Cruz, Eveling Raquel and Martínez González, María Magdalena (2021) The Use of Connectors in Writing a Paragraph. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
López Martínez, Fanny Dalila and Herrera Herrera, María Lilibeth (2015) The effectiveness of the teaching techniques used by the teacher in the acquisition of the four English skills of integrated english I-II in the morning shift at Universidad Nacional Autónoma (UNAN-Managua) during the period of March-Octuber of 2014. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
López Orozco, Sherrys Odilys and Ruíz González, Ada Rosa and Rodríguez Cruz, Elim Lucia (2014) Methodological Strategies to improve pronunciation in the English Learning process as a Foreign Language with ninth grade students at High School Pedro Orozco in Terrabona, during the second semester 2014. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
López Pineda, Liz Mariel and Chavarría Reyes, Domingo (2022) Teaching strategies to improve the low academic performance in the English students of tenth grade, regular shift, at La Posolera High School, Waslala-Matagalpa, II semester 2022. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
López Ramírez, Débora Raquel and Sanchez García, Aracelys (2016) Employment of strategies in the listening skill throughout the teachinglearning process from 10 th grade students in the morning shift at Miguel de Cervantes Institute Managua city, district three during the second semester of 2016. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
López Sandino, José Miguel and López Altamirano, Jackeline Aurora and Montenegro Algaba, Pentalpha Annaphel (2022) TEACHING STRATEGIES AIMED AT IMPROVING EFL STUDENTS PRONUNCIATION OF THE / & / ENGLISH SOUND. Licenciatura thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Machado, Reyna Isabel (2014) The effective use of grammar and vocabulary strategies in the process of teaching-learning english in students of 10th grade at Manuel Olivares Institute in the morning shift, II semester 2014. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Martinez Fonseca, Miriam de Fatima and Altamirano Vasquez, Marlon Ernesto (2007) Difficulties students have in using Grammar in the 3th year in the afternoon shift in high school Camino Del Rio. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Martínez Benavidez, Perla Karina and Rivera Herrera, María Del Carmen and Martínez Hernández, José Miguel (2014) Methodological strategies for improving English speaking skill in seventh grade students at Public Institute Guillermo Cano Balladares. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Medrano Hernández, Jessica and Orozco López, Ronald Josué (2021) The effects of lesson plan on teaching- learning. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Mendez Arceda, Paulino Alfonso and Cortez, Walquiria (2007) Some methodological factors that make difficult the acquisition of speaking skill in fifth year students afternoon shift at Miguel de Cervantes National Public Institute. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Mendez Jarquin, Indira Massiel (2023) Enseñanza para el aprendizaje significativo en la asignatura de ingles en la carrera de ingieneria de sistemas e informacion, de la UNAN Managua, FAREM Matagalpa, I semestre 2023. Master thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua UNAN - Managua.
Meza Perez, Roger A. and Mondragon Ramirez, Pedro José (2011) Analysis of the factors that provoke lack of motivation in english class in seventh grade students of the Institute Modesto Armijo Lozano in unidad de proposito Neighborhood in Managua during the first semester of 2011. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Miranda Campos, Ivania and Ayala Madrigal, Edgard (2011) The lack of motivation in the teaching-Learning process of the english languaje in 2nd year at Maestro Gabriel Institute During The second SEMESTER OF 2011 IN MANAGUA. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Miranda García, Paola Auxiliadora (2016) Evaluation of methods and techniques used by the English teacher on the children of first grade (class B) at Colegio Bautista-Masaya, in their learning of the English subject as their second language during the second semester of 2016. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Montalván Mayorga, Ana Patricia and Padilla Vásquez, Harol Manuel and Sequeira Delgadillo, Jessica Massiel (2014) The estrategies used by english teacher in the developing of speaking activities at 8th grade in the üblic School María del Socorro Ponce Chavarria during the second semester of 2014-Managua. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Moraga Mercado, Lester Javier and Jarquín González, yenis Maribel (2000) Lack of participation in oral activities by 7th grade students, Section B and C, at Concepcion de Maria high school cause low proficiency in their English class. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Morales Barrios, Lilliam Raquel and Gaitán, Paula del Socorro and Gómez Lacayo, Gerardo (2016) Analysis of factors influencing the learning of listening and speaking skills in English learners of 11th grade at Lilly Pedroza Institute in Ochomogo, Nandaime during the second semester of 2016. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Morales González, Elizabeth (2021) Oral proficiency in learners of English as a foreign language. Licenciatura thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Morales Inestroza, Jader Antonio and Bermúdez Centeno, Martín Geovany and Arauz Romero, Nixo Javier (2020) Use of Technology to Engage Students in the English Learning Process at 9th Grade in the Public School Che Guevara during the first Semester 2020, Villa el Carmen. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Moreno, Yasmina del Rosario and Tuckler Lara, Eddith Nohemi and Reyes Rodríguez, Carlos Adan (2015) Teaching strategies that influence in the development of speaking ability of student of third year "B" in the afternoon shift at UNAN-Managua during the period from March to Octuber 2014. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Méndez Cerda, Delving Geovani and Torrez Téllez, Juan José (2015) Methodological strategies in the teaching-learning process of listening and speaking skills of the students of 11th grade in the public high school Salinas de Nagualapa, Tola, Rivas during the second semester 2014. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Méndez Mejía, Alex Aladino (2016) Analysis of factors affecting the school achievement in the English subject in the 7th grade B students at Colegio Bautista Masaya in the second semester 2016. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Obando Hurtado, Denis Manuel and Parrales Jarquin, Mario Silvio (2007) What are the causes of low proficiency in listening skills in English as a foreign language on students of 5th year at Miguel de Cervantes High School in Managua City in the second semester of 2007. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Obregón Cruz, Jennifer and Alemán Hernández, Sadrac Guillermo (2009) Analysis of factors in the learning process for proficiency in speaking ability in students of the third year at Instituto Tecnico José Dolores Estrada. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Ojeda Chávez, Jhara Adriana and Rostrán Reyes, Katherine Alicia and Gutiérrez Chávez, María Concepción (2016) Analysis of the effectiveness of the 2009 curriculum in terms of the acquisition of the English language skills of eleventh grade students at Rigoberto López Pérez Institute in the first semester of 2015. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Nicaragua.
Ortega Miranda, Yajaira María and Ruíz Cruz, Marta Lorena and Hernández Valenzuela, Maritza del Carmen (2017) Use of Visual Means as a Didactic Tool in Teaching English grammar to Students of 7th grade at Nuestra Señora Del Rosario High School in Estelí, during the Second Semester. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Ortiz Avilés, Julia Susana and García Blas, Joseph Anthony and Correa Rodríguez, Eveling María (2024) The Influence of Differentiated Instruction on Meaningful Learning for decoding Skills in Reading Comprehension Among 10th Grade EFL Students at Ulises Tapia Roa Public High School during the Second Semester of 2024. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Ortiz Díaz, Shirley Lariss and Canales Solórzano, Josefa Elliette (2003) Economical, Social and Educative factors that influence the students drop out in the English degree at UNAN – Managua. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Ortiz González, Rosa María and Ortiz Rodríguez, Giselle de los Ángeles (2013) Pedagogical strategies used to teach grammar to a group of seventh grade in the morning shift at San José school in Jinotepe, Carazo, Nicaragua. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autonóma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Osorio Rosales, Kathya Yalezka and Rivera Espinoza, Miurell Junieth and Sandoval Figueroa, Nidia Stella (2024) The development of reading skills (predicting and inferring) through the use of Storytelling technique. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Otero Hernández, Raquel de Jesús and Putoy Amador, Ismalcy Nohemí (2015) Eaching strategies that affected the development of speaking skills in the fifth year of high school program in José Augusto Flores during the second semester of 2014. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Padilla Palacios, Josselyne Adriana and Martinez Pavón, Mariela Daleska and Cruz Rivera, Ulises Johel (2020) Evaluation of the teaching learning process of pronunciation in English as a foreign language with emphasis in intonation in 10th grade, at Instituto Nacional Héroes y Mártires De La Reforma (INHMARE) Masaya, second semester 2019. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Padilla Sevilla, Teresa Auxiliadora and Reyes Soto, Betsabe Samai (2015) Methodological strategies applied in the teaching-learning process of English language during the second semester 2014. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Palacios Gaitán, Ronald Eduardo (2018) Analysis of the motivation of high school students from eleventh grade to learn English as a new Language in the Concepcion de Maria School, Pacayita, Masaya on the second semester of 2017. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Potosme Miranda, María Nazareth and Lacayo Dávila, Margarita de los Ángeles and Vásquez Pavón, Reynaldo José (2024) Role plays as ludic strategy employed in the development of speaking skill in students of 10th grade A, at Instituto Nacional de Oriente high school in Granada, during second semester 2024. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Puerto Caballero, Omar Eli and Zamora Pérez, Tereza (2023) The effects of the app Duolingo as complementary resource in the development of English-speaking skills in students of Seventh grade in Pedro Joaquin Chamorro School- La Esquinas, San Marcos, in the second semester of 2022. Licenciatura thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Pérez Martínez, Agnes del Socorro and Casco Chavarría, Sobeyda and Rodriguez Benavides, José Leonardo (2017) Effectiveness of english classroom management strategies with overcrowded group in 9th grade students, at Guillermo Cano Institute during the second semester 2015. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Reyes Guadamúz, Adriana Isabel and Prado, Marcia Daniela (2021) Factors Affecting English Speaking Performance. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Rivas, Esmirna and Rayo, Mauricio (2011) Analysis of factors that provoke the lack of students motivation in the learning process of English language in the seventh grade of Ruben Dario school in Tipitapa, during the second semester 2011. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Rivera Peralta, Vilma Suyapa and Robleto Zapata, Agustín Antonio (2007) Fear and lack of self-confidence are factors that influence in students of fifth year of English at UNAN Managua Saturday course in speaking English inside and outside of the university. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Rivera Suárez, Alexandra and Salazar, Francisco (2013) The effect of teacher´s error correction strategies on students´writing, 7th grade, Public School Instituto Nacional de Camoapa, Boaco II Semestre, 2013. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Rodríguez Alaníz, Concepcion de María (1999) Trace study for graduates of the english degree from the english department, at Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Nicaragua, (UNAN, Managua), 2011 and 2013 cohort, plan of study 1999. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Rodríguez Gaitán, Lidia Carolina and Vásquez Flores, María José (2023) The use of Visual Aids to enhance the Teaching – Learning process of Vocabulary in English as a Foreign Language. Licenciatura thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Rodríguez García, Kathya Margarita and Sandoval Pereira, Virginia María and Sotelo Latino, Sadia Carolina (2021) Using games as techniques to teach English as a foreign language. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Rojas Barrondo, Beatriz Sarai (2023) Planning to Implement ICT Room Resources as a Motivational Strategy. Licenciatura thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Rojas Gómez, Keyla Rosibel and Serrano Toruño, Luisa Amanda (2013) The effect of teaching strategies on the development of segmental features of English language in the English regular course from Eleventh grade of high school “Jesus el Buen Pastor” in the second semester of the academic year 2013. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Romero Arteta, Angelica Massiel and Pérez Rivera, Carol Aracely (2017) Methodological strategies in order to help first-year students to overcome the fear of speaking in English of Introduction to Oral Communication class at FAREM-Estelí, during the second semester of 2016. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Romero García, Keren Azucena and Plata González, Melissa Jiessels (2022) Communicative and Action-Oriented Approaches to Foster Speaking Skills. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Rosa Paiz, Hazel Isabel and Martinez Herrera, Joseling Esther (2021) Visualization and repetition to motivate preschoolers to speak in online classes. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Rosales Rodríguez, Ana María and Gómez Campos, Mery (2015) The effect of teaching methodological strategies on the development of the speaking skill in the students of eleventh grade at the "Augusto C. Sandino" high school in Niquinohomo during the second semester, 2014. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, UNAN-Managua.
Rugama, Ana and Peña, Elías (2011) Analysis of facors that cause the lack of motivational in english languaje learning in first year student of San Cayetano school during the second semester 2010. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Ruiz Calero, Christian Nohelia and Martínez Miranda, Anielka (2002) The Effect of Teachers` Language Proficiency on Teaching Methodology at Institute Benjamin Zeledón of Managua. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Ruiz Quintero, Marvin Uriel and Navarrete Haslam, Doribel and Valladares, Noylin (2019) Traditional Games of Nicaragua as strategies of motivation in the learning English of students seventh grade from San Luis Gonzaga High school Matagalpa. Otra thesis, Universidad Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Ríos Urbina, Karla Marina and Madriz Zúniga, Tania Carolina (2016) Analysis of the factors affecting the quality of English language teaching in 11th grade at Instituto Presbítero Bruno Martínez, in Mateare, Managua during the second semester of 2016. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Salazar Acevedo, Ligia del Carmen and Valdez Chavarría, Olga Esmeralda and Gaitán Gómez, Huver Enrique (2022) Effects of games on the acquisition of the writing skill sentences. Licenciatura thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Sandoval Maltez, Néstor Alejandro and Hernández Madrigal, Jairo Antonio (2018) Analysis of the Causes of failure in English Subject of 11th Grade “A” Students at Public High School “Colegio de Esquipulas” from Managua, during the Second Semester of 2017. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Sequeira, Jordan José and Cruz Centeno, Johana Yaosca and Cerda Velasquez, Anielka del Carmen (2024) The application of cognitive techniques: activating prior knowledge, monitoring-clarifying, and questioning, to enhance the identification of main ideas and details in narrative texts by 8th-grade students at Colegio Experimental México. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Sergio, Rocha Salgado (2018) “Aplicabilidad del enfoque de aprendizaje del idioma asistido por computadora, como estrategia metodológica, para el desarrollo de habilidades comunicativas, en estudiantes de segundo año de la carrera de inglés, turno sabatino FAREM Estelí, período 2017”. Master thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Silva Bravo, Karen and Zavala Carrillo, Jennifer (2014) The effect of teaching materials on the development of vocabulary in students from 5th grade at “El Faro” during the first semester of 2013. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Solis, Gabriela and Thomas, Georgatty (2013) The effect of teachers strategies in the development of english pronunciation accuracy of students from eleventh grade at España Public in Managua during the 2nd semestre 2013th. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Soza Castillo, Jimmy Clifford and Bermudez Marquez, Juan G. (2003) Analysis of motivational strategies in 11th grade students of English class at Amistad Quebec School in Teustepe, Boaco. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Suárez Rugama, Ena Anielka and Rosales Moreno, Johana Katherine and Galeano Irías, Keyla Nasareli (2020) Maximizar la producción oral en las clases de inglés como lengua extranjera a través del aprendizaje cooperativo Estrategias asistidas con tecnología en estudiantes de 7 ° grado en Francisco Luis Instituto Nacional Espinoza en el turno de mañana en el segundo semestre de 2019. Licenciatura thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Sánchez Mercado, Lilieth Del Carmen and Valle Mercado, Bryan Danilo (2021) Listening Strategies to Get the Main Ideas in Listening Comprehension Tasks. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Sánchez Quiroz, Bladimir Antonio and Picado Muñoz, Holman Eduardo (2016) Analysis of students’ lack of understanding in the English class in the eighth grade, at Monseñor Rafael Ángel Reyes Public School, Diriomo-Granada, in the first semester of 2015. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Talavera, Angelica Maria and Morales Gaitan, Alejandra Auxiliadora and Zelaya Martínez, Jordania (2016) Factors affecting the teaching-learning process in the acquisition of speaking skill, in the students of 7th grade “F”, at Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra Institute in Managua city, in the morning shift, during the Second semester of 2016. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Tercero Manzanares, Ligia Auxiliadora and Ramos González, Fátima Yadira (2013) Factors that negatively affect the development of writing skill of 11th grade students at Dr. Carlos Vega Bolaños public school, in the second semester, 2013 class morning shift. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Traña Palacios, Adelayda Elisa and Zapata Guzmán, Carla Vanessa and López Ortiz, María Zulema (2021) The use of pictures as visual aids to increase reading comprehension. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Triguero Paizano, Santiago (2009) Some teaching defficiencies and physical conditions affect negativily the development of speaking and reading abilities in the students of fifth level at the national institute Robert Drew. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Téllez Martinez, Scarleth Yahoska and Vásquez López, Elio Ramón (2010) Analysis of factors that provoke lack of motivation in students from tenth grade to develop the speaking skill at Salomon Ibarra Mayorga School during the second semester 2010 in Tipitapa. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Téllez Morales, Ana Alicia and Doña López, Lilliam Auxiliadora and Henrriquez Valdez, Margotina (2018) Analysis of factors that affect the oral communication of Students from the third-year afternoon shift, at the Miguel de Cervantes High School, in Managua during the second semester 2017. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Urbina, Heydi G and Talavera, María A and Reyes, Rosa M (2021) Exploration of the Cognitive Learning Strategies that help in the Development of the Listening Skill in students of eleventh grade at Maestro Gabriel Institute, second semester 2020. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Vargas, Amelia Georgina (2008) The Development of a Complete English Program that will include Content-Based Units that provide students from I, II, and III year of Secondary School with an educational,Instructional and Moral Academic Background Education. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.
Vivas Ortiz, Damaris Esther and Miranda Garcia., Marjorie Daniela and Rodríguez Cruz, Yuris Karina (2021) The use of realia to increase seventh grade students’ vocabulary learning. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Álvarez Reyes, Anielka Raquel and Potosme Bracamonte, Erick Roberto and Medrano Dávila, Danny Josué (2016) Analysis of the factors that affect the oral communication of students of UNAN- Managua from third year, English Major, during the second semester of 2015. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Álvarez Roa, Ruth Esther and Altamirano Catín, Hazell Yahoska (2020) Analysis of the influence of Spanish in the learning of English related to the writing Skill in students of tenth grade “A”, at Miguel de Cervantes Institute in Managua, during the second semester of the year 2019, in the morning shift. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Ñamendy Ruíz, Hector José (2013) Verification of the English teaching´s achievements in tenth grade in the Laura Vicuña High School in Masaya, in the I semester of 2013. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.