Ways of teachings speaking skills of some engliss teachers at Tomas Ruíz high school in Chinandega

Zelaya Herrera, David Honecker and Peñalba, Augusto César (2007) Ways of teachings speaking skills of some engliss teachers at Tomas Ruíz high school in Chinandega. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.

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In this research we attempt to teach speaking skills. We want to help and give information on how to teach speaking skills to students to develop the learning and
teaching process.

Also we are going to see how much motivation there is in English teachers and their students’ using different factors, elements, techniques, methodology and the usage of
didactics materials.

Of the four skills in English language the most difficult to reach has been speaking.

This means that we have to be aware of how important it is. In this case we have found many reasons that stop the learning and teaching process like lack of regular oral
activities, teachers only using the mother tongue, they focus only on grammar and do not motivate their students to develop speaking skills, so there is not any interaction
between teachers and students or from student to student, besides there is not a detailed plan to follow that procedures step by step into a classroom. Also there is not
enough time and frequency in the English classroom, because the English program is poorly organized by the Ministry of Education of Nicaragua.

As we know this problem belongs the educational field and we have been doing a research project at Tomas Ruiz high school of Chinandega city.

Therefore we will demonstrate using the real educational situation and relating it with our theories and
our experience.

We considered this research about teaching speaking skills has a great value and we expect this work to become the key to successful learning to students and to teachers

Item Type: Thesis (Otra)
Información Adicional: Seminario-(Licenciados en Ciencias de la educación con mención en Inglés)-Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua
Palabras Clave Informales: Habilidades del lenguaje-Estrategias y Técnicas Técnicas de enseñanza Estrategías-Enseñanza Inglés-Seminarios-2007
Materias: 400 Lenguas > 420 Inglés e inglés antiguo > 421 Sistemas de escritura y fonología ingleses
400 Lenguas > 420 Inglés e inglés antiguo > 422 Etimología inglesa
400 Lenguas > 420 Inglés e inglés antiguo > 425 Gramática inglesa
Depositing User: Lic. Martha Cortez
Date Deposited: 15 Oct 2015 20:48
Last Modified: 18 Sep 2017 19:43
URI: http://repositorio.unan.edu.ni/id/eprint/1090


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