Analysis of the factors that affect the oral communication of students of UNAN- Managua from third year, English Major, during the second semester of 2015.

Álvarez Reyes, Anielka Raquel and Potosme Bracamonte, Erick Roberto and Medrano Dávila, Danny Josué (2016) Analysis of the factors that affect the oral communication of students of UNAN- Managua from third year, English Major, during the second semester of 2015. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.

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The current study aims at analyzing the factors that interfere in the oral communication of a group of Foreign Language learners in third year of the English Major at UNAN-Managua. Among the possible factors that hinder students from developing their language competences there are the inappropriate use of communicative strategies in the
classroom in terms of learning preferences and needs, the incorporation of didactic materials in traditional school- based ways during the practice of oral activities and the excessive use of talking time from instructors when teaching English deductively.

In order to confirm or reject the previous hypotheses, there were adopted quantitative and qualitative approaches which consist in the application of a student`s survey, a teacher’s interview and two observation guides. The student`s survey was applied in order to describe the types of communication strategies that learners use when facing problems to convey their intended messages in class. On the other hand, the purpose of one of the observation guides
and the teacher’s interview was to analyze the way the teacher uses didactic materials to enhance oral communication in the classroom. Finally, it was carried out a second observation whose aim was to estimate the amount of teacher and students talking time during the development of the stages in the language class.

Item Type: Thesis (Otra)
Información Adicional: Seminario-(Licenciados en Ciencias de la Educación con mención en Inglés)-Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.
Palabras Clave Informales: Inglés-Estudio y enseñanza Comunicación oral Estrategias y técnicas-Educación superior Materiales didacticos Inglés-Seminarios-2016
Materias: 300 Ciencias sociales > 370 Educación
300 Ciencias sociales > 370 Educación > 378 Educación superior
400 Lenguas > 420 Inglés e inglés antiguo
400 Lenguas > 420 Inglés e inglés antiguo > 421 Sistemas de escritura y fonología ingleses
Depositing User: Lic Valeria Rivera
Date Deposited: 05 Dec 2016 17:01
Last Modified: 18 Sep 2017 19:19


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