Didactic materials that enhance the development of writing skills of 7th grade “A” at Enmanuel Mongalo Y Rubio secondary school, in Matagalpa, during the second semester, 2020

Rostrán Sánchez, Jaqueline Ossiris and Zeledón Valenzuela, María Danely (2021) Didactic materials that enhance the development of writing skills of 7th grade “A” at Enmanuel Mongalo Y Rubio secondary school, in Matagalpa, during the second semester, 2020. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.

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This research is about the influence that use of the didactic materials that enhance the development writing skills of English language learning. Focused on the implementation of didactic materials for develop of writing skills of 7th “A” grade A at Enmanuel Mongalo Y Rubio on secondary public school, the afternoon shift second semester 2020 in Matagalpa city. The current study explains the influence of the implementation of the new methodological strategy with didactic materials to develop writing skills. This work is innovated because provide information about new methodological strategies “Writing without pencil” with activities specifically designed to develop writing skills using didactic materials. Example: building words, flying words, magic board and rolling (see Appendix N°11). This strategy facilitates the learning process of teachers and students, to motivate them to participate in English class specially on writing and implementation of grammar rules. The methodological strategy was applied during the second term of grade A, at the Enmanuel Mongalo Y Rubio school, through concrete materials on 2 occasions, it was possible to integrate all the students in the activities and the result was excellent (see Appendix N° 12,13,14 and 15). It was verified that the implementation of didactic materials in the English class helps students develop their writing skills (see Appendix N° 17,18 and 19).v Using the didactic materials in free techniques that allowed students to feel motivated and interested, this clearly helps them improve their writing skills. Keywords: Didactic materials, Writing skills, strategy

Item Type: Thesis (Otra)
Información Adicional: Seminario (Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Educación, con mención en English) Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua
Palabras Clave Informales: Didactic materials, Writing skills, strategy.
Materias: 300 Ciencias sociales > 371.2913 Deserción escolar
300 Ciencias sociales > 371.3 Didáctica y Pedagogía
300 Ciencias sociales > 371.358 Tecnología educativa
Depositing User: Lic. Martha López Urrutia
Date Deposited: 09 Aug 2021 16:35
Last Modified: 09 Aug 2021 16:35
URI: http://repositorio.unan.edu.ni/id/eprint/15866


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