"Sentences Unscramble" to help students to create sentences using simple present tense with students from eighth grade "B" afternoon shift at Juan Jose Rodriguez National Institute, Jinotepe-Carazo, in the second semester, 2019

Bravo Aburto, Jennifer Wisleydi and Alemán Ampie, Gabriela Estefania and Munguia Molina, Francis Guadalupe (2019) "Sentences Unscramble" to help students to create sentences using simple present tense with students from eighth grade "B" afternoon shift at Juan Jose Rodriguez National Institute, Jinotepe-Carazo, in the second semester, 2019. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.

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The present innovative activity was created with the purpose of helping students to improve their grammar sub-skill. The activity in question is a practical resource that allows students to learn in a practical way and get involved in the English classes. This study was evaluated by selecting 15 students to be applied a data collection instruments consisting in 3 sections which were a survey, an interview and a focal group. These instruments allowed the researchers to identify how the innovative activity sentences unscramble helped students improving their grammar sub-skill, and what the difficulties that they faced with this activity were. Most of the students expressed that the activity in question helped them to improve their grammar sub-skill due to most of them were able to identify the parts of speech that a sentence must have and arrange them correctly and with coherence. Also, some students stated that sentences unscramble was a great tool which they would like to continue working with. On the other hand, some of them shared the difficulties faced which were lack of vocabulary and knowledge to identify the parts of speech. Through the application of this innovative activity, the findings just described indicate that having worked with this activity left a positive impact in students` English learning process with a grammatical focus.

Item Type: Thesis (Otra)
Información Adicional: Tesis-(Licenciatura en Inglés)-Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua
Palabras Clave Informales: Actividades innovadoras, Proceso de enseñanza, Instituto Juan José Rodríguez-Jinotepe
Materias: 300 Ciencias sociales > 370.11 Innovaciones educativas
300 Ciencias sociales > 371.3 Didáctica y Pedagogía
Depositing User: Lic. María Gabriela Bermudez Vargas
Date Deposited: 12 Oct 2021 16:00
Last Modified: 12 Oct 2021 16:00
URI: http://repositorio.unan.edu.ni/id/eprint/16591


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