Analysis of factors that provoke lack of motivacion in english class in ast year students of madre teresa de calcuta school, in Jinoptepe during the second semestre 2010

Lopez Gonzalez, Julio Ricardo (2011) Analysis of factors that provoke lack of motivacion in english class in ast year students of madre teresa de calcuta school, in Jinoptepe during the second semestre 2010. Otra thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.

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There are different problems in Nicaragua in the field of education. Some of them affect the quality and development of many programs. Sometimes it is impossible to regulate or to know what are the principal reasons or causes that are involved in this problem.

This research is related to the lack of motivation that students have when they are learning other language as second language.

The topic is vital because there is no motivation in students when they begin to study other language different from their native language.

This research is very important because it is intended to find out the factors that provoke lack of motivation in
Madre Teresa de Calcuta School and give some suggestions to contribute to solve this problem.

This research contains general and specific objectives which will help to develop this investigation.

This investigation was classified as Qualitative Research
because exist different aspect as some instruments that were applied many times to discover different point of view, such as: Open instruments, free participation, in-depth interview and other. Teacher, students and parents expressed their thinking and feeling about this topic.

The instruments that were applied were in-depth interview, focal group and class observation that were made according with my System of Descriptor.

In this research it was used a sample that were involved with this kind of problems. There are some problems that affected the students by lack of motivation that exists in that school. The motivation is like a key in the learning process because if the student does not feel motivated his learning is not going to be successful and significant; also to improve the motivation in to the classroom.

Item Type: Thesis (Otra)
Información Adicional: Seminario-(Licenciados en Ciencias de la educación con mención en Inglés)-Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua
Palabras Clave Informales: Motivación Inglés-Seminarios-2011
Materias: 400 Lenguas > 420 Inglés e inglés antiguo
400 Lenguas > 420 Inglés e inglés antiguo > 421 Sistemas de escritura y fonología ingleses
Divisiones: EDUCACIÓN, ARTE Y HUMANIDADES > Español > Grado (Lengua y Literatura Hispánicas) > Seminario
Depositing User: Lic. Martha Cortez
Date Deposited: 16 Oct 2015 20:13
Last Modified: 13 Oct 2022 16:09


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