Influencia de las tecnologías de información y comunicación en el comportamiento alimentario en estudiantes

Elvir Rodríguez, Luz Valeria and Mojica Gutiérrez, David Moisés (2018) Influencia de las tecnologías de información y comunicación en el comportamiento alimentario en estudiantes. Artículo de Discusión. Instituto Politécnico de la Salud, Managua.

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Our research aims to identify the influence of TIC´s on the nutritional behavior of students who goes to Tomás Borge school, located in Valles de Sandino neighborhood, in the city of Mateare between May-November 2017, which was conducted with a sample of 166 students between 12 and 18 years of age, resulting in the highest degree of confidence among women (95%). A descriptive cross-sectional study was implemented, whose information was gathered through a questionnaire with closed questions, with sociodemo graphic characteristics. The most used TICs by students were: cell phones, video games, tablets, computers and TV's. In relation to the frequency of the use of these tools during the consumption of some type of food, 32% (always), 30% (frequently) and 49% (sometimes). The sample tells us that 49% of students use the cell phone whenever they eat. The internet 51%. Therefore, the influence of ICTs in said center was 62% and an average level of influence of 37% of the sample under study. Conclude that 62% of students have a low influence on ICTs with respect to eating behavior. Key words: Information and communication technology, eating behavior, influence, adolescents

Item Type: Monograph (Artículo de Discusión)
Información Adicional: Artículo de monografía
Palabras Clave Informales: Influencia de las TIC, Conducta Adictiva, Alimentación,
Materias: 100 Filosofía y psicología > 130 Fenómenos paranormales > 131 Métodos parapsicológicos y ocultos
300 Ciencias sociales > 303 Procesos sociales
000 Generalidades > 001 Conocimiento
300 Ciencias sociales > 339 Macroeconomía & temas relacionados > 000 Generalidades > 001 Conocimiento

000 Generalidades > 001 Conocimiento > 001.42 Investigación
300 Ciencias sociales > 339 Macroeconomía & temas relacionados > 000 Generalidades > 001 Conocimiento > 001.42 Investigación
Divisiones: CIENCIAS DE LA SALUD - IPS > Artículos de Tesis – IPS
Depositing User: Lic. Antolina Chavez
Date Deposited: 31 Jan 2019 21:14
Last Modified: 24 Sep 2021 20:45


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