The EFL methodology used by teacher to improve student motivation in the foreign language

Moreno Pavón, Aracely de Socorro and López Chamorro, Marbely del Socorro (2023) The EFL methodology used by teacher to improve student motivation in the foreign language. Licenciatura thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua.

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This research, conducted by fifth-year students at UNAN Managua University, focuses on analyzing the methodology of teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) to enhance the motivation of eleventh-grade students at the Rigoberto López Pérez National Institute in Managua. The study emphasizes the significance of teaching methodology in influencing student motivation, aiming to contribute to the continuous improvement of EFL instruction. The introduction provides context, defines key concepts, and outlines specific objectives, including analyzing the current teaching methodology, evaluating its effectiveness in terms of student motivation, and suggesting improvements. The rationale highlights the need to identify strengths and weaknesses in teaching methodologies, aiming to enhance English language competencies for 11th-grade students. The problem statement addresses the persistence of outdated teaching methods, posing the question of the effects of these methodologies on student motivation. Research questions delve into the effectiveness of current EFL teaching methods, perceived effectiveness by students, and the integration of modern approaches. The objectives section outlines the general and specific goals, aiming to analyze, evaluate, and propose improvements to EFL teaching methodologies. The theoretical framework introduces various teaching methods, emphasizing an inclusive and supportive learning environment. The section also explores the role of the Ministry of Education and factors influencing teaching methodologies

Item Type: Thesis (Licenciatura)
Información Adicional: Tesis-(Licenciadas en Ciencias de la educación con mención en Inglés)-Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua Solamente en digital
Palabras Clave Informales: Inglés-Enseñanza-Metodología, Proceso de aprendizaje, Motivación en educación
Materias: 300 Ciencias sociales > 370 Educación
400 Lenguas > 420 Inglés e inglés antiguo
Depositing User: Lic Valeria Rivera
Date Deposited: 08 Jun 2024 17:35
Last Modified: 08 Jun 2024 17:35


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